Helping to keep your child safe.
Saddleworth School have a first aid room which is managed by a first aid trained member of staff.
School policy dictates that we are unable to provide pain relief to students. However, parents are able to provide medication/pain relief to be held on the school premises, which can then be administered to the pupils as and when necessary. A form 3b is required to be completed in this instance which can be found on the school website and returned to school with the medication.
Could we kindly ask that if a child incurs an injury outside of school hours that this is dealt with by a medically qualified individual at the time of injury. We are having an increasing number of pupils attending with strains/sprains and suspected breaks that have occurred outside of school hours which is something we are unable to treat.
If you feel your child is unfit to be in school, please inform us by reporting an absence via Class Charts.
We would also like to reiterate that children MUST NOT use their mobile phones to call parents themselves if they are ill. They must attend the first aid room and the school will then contact parents to advise of their illness.
If you have any questions or would like any further clarification please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Thompson via email
Form 3B Medicine Form
Emergency Inhaler Consent