GCSE Results


GCSE Exam Results will be published on Thursday 22nd August 2024

Your child’s examination results will be available between 9:30am and 11am in school on 22nd August 2024. Students should enter the school via ‘Student Services’ and go to the main assembly hall where they will be given further direction. Students will need to sign to confirm they have received their results along with details about their Post- 16 plans.

If your child is not able to collect their results on results day, they will need to:

  • Provide the school with a signed letter stating who will be picking up the results on their behalf. This should state clearly the student’s name, the name of the person collecting on their behalf and state explicitly that they give their permission. This letter needs to be given to a member of our Data & Exams Team.

  • Ensure that the nominated person brings some form of photographic ID which matches the detail on the letter e.g. passport, driving licence etc. to confirm that they have the student’s permission to collect their results.

Please note that results cannot be given out unless the above procedure has been followed and the school has been informed prior to results day.

Any specific exams based queries should be forwarded to exams@saddleworthschool.org .

Advice and Guidance

Students are advised to check in with Mr Leach, the careers advisor after they have collected their results, particularly if they have questions about their next steps in September. Mr Leach will contact local colleges and providers and support students with course applications. Likewise, members of the school’s Senior team will be available to talk to students about their results. Representatives from Oldham College and Oldham Sixth Form will also be on hand to speak to.  Mr Leach can also be contacted via email on: d.leach@saddleworthschool.org

Post Results Requests

The examination boards provide a time-limited opportunity to enquire about the results of exams called a ‘review of marking’. This is a review of the original marking of the paper by a second examiner to ensure that it is free from error and represents a reasonable exercise in academic judgement. If a student wishes to make a request for a review of marking, it is best to initiate it on results day or as soon as possible – there will be a form to use inside the students’ results envelopes. To request a review of marking students will need to complete the form along with the correct amount in cash or cheque (made out to Saddleworth School) and take to the exams office at School or email: exams@saddleworthschool.org on or before 18th September. A review of marking may take up to five weeks to be resolved. Students must accept that if they request a review of marking that their grade could go down as well as up, or stay the same.

Please contact us at exams@saddleworthschool.org should you have any questions about the process or wish to discuss a review of marking. Individual teachers will not be available to advise.

Information about a review of marking can be found in the JCQ document here: https://www.jcq.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Post-Results-Service_24_FINAL.pdf

Collecting Exam Certificates

There will be a Year 11 Presentation Evening on Thursday, 21st November. See letter attached. If students are unable to attend the Presentation Evening they may collect their certificates in person shortly afterwards. If they are unable to collect them, they may again ask someone else (a family member for example) to pick them up on their behalf. If this is the case, they must bring a letter signed by the student giving them permission and photo ID.

Saddleworth School has a policy of retaining only the previous year’s certificates in accordance with guidelines laid down by the JCQ.

If you have any questions about external exams please feel free to contact us so we can help.


External Guidance

All external exams are governed by the guidance given to schools by the JCQ. Representing the seven largest providers in qualification in the UK they outline the expectations necessary and standards we must uphold as a school. They also outline the rules and regulations that must be upheld by students. These are shown below for your reference.