Parents Information

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Saddleworth School Careers @SaddleSchCareer

Applying to colleges 

We recommend that ALL students in Year 11 apply to at least THREE colleges. To make an application they will need: 

  • An email address 
  • A personal statement (or some sections of it) 
  • Predicted grades (issued in Year 11)
  • Personal information (address and so on) 
  • Their preferred course/choices 

Students will be able to start the application process in school, with help from class teachers, in their SPACE lesson, from November onwards.  We will publish college deadline dates when we receive them, but would encourage ALL students to make their applications by the school deadline. This means students can then focus on their studies and not college applications! 

Career Interviews 

The Careers advisor, Mr Leach, is in school Monday and Tuesday and alternate Fridays. He will be arranging one-to-one careers appointments with Year 10 and Year 11 students throughout the school year. These will take place in the Careers Area in F202. Students will be informed on the appointment dates/times in form in the week prior to the interview. If a student would like to request a Careers interview please contact Mr Leach directly at

Introducing T-Levels

T Levels are an exciting new offer for students, offering a valuable alternative to A Levels and supporting progression to either an apprenticeship or full-time university.

In September 2020 the first three T Levels were launched; by September 2021, a further 10 subjects will be available and more to follow the year after.

Useful websites