Year 10 Work Experience

At the end of the school year, from 8th – 12th July 2025 all pupils currently in Year 10 will be expected to undertake a five day work experience placement.

The programme closely mirrors the experience of finding a job, so that pupils can be aware of what is involved for the future.

What is a work placement?​

We would like you to ask an employer to give you the opportunity to experience what working life is like for five days.

Employers do recognise that you are untrained and will only allow you to undertake tasks in line with your age.

We don’t mind where you work – it does not have to be linked to your future career – but we would like you to work with adults who are not familiar to you.  Part time work is not allowed.  We would expect you to work at least six hours per day.

Key dates:

Friday 18th AprilDeadline for students to arrange a self-placement and input to the Work Experience Connect app
23rd June – 27th June 2025Pre-placement phone call: Students to contact their employer to introduce themselves prior to placement (students will receive more information regarding the phone call prior to this date)
Monday 7th July – Friday 11th July 2025Work placement dates

Why do Work Experience?

  • It gives an insight into realistic work environment
  • Makes education relevant and links to curriculum
  • Helps to find a job in the future (part time / dream job)
  • FE / University application benefit
  • Self-development. All about confidence!
  • Adds value to CV and future employability
  • A reference from work experience can be useful
  • Try before you buy!
  • Greatly reduces the risk of unemployment in the future

Where should I start looking?

Find your own placement using all networks available to you including:

  • Making it happen yourself. Hit the streets and knock on doors (best)
  • Parents, relatives and friends of the family
  • Social media – connect with organisations online (Linked In, Twitter, Facebook, Insta)
  • Teachers, careers advisers and other professionals

I think I have found a placement ​- what now?

Make sure you have downloaded the Connect Work Experience app, you should have received an email from Positive Steps which includes the link.  Install the Connect app to your phone and follow the instructions to input your employer details.

The YouTube link below shows you how to use the Connect app:

Once you have agreed with an employer that you can take part in Work Experience for their company you should take their contact details including their address, telephone number and a contact email address.  These can then be input to the app – the YouTube link below shows you how to do this:

Once your placement has been input to the app, school will verify the employer and Positive Steps will carry out a risk assessment with the company before you start your Work Experience.